Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a certain coffee maker?

No! We specialize in working with whatever you have on hand (and that also means nothing at all). We bring our kit as a jumping off point for class, and we’ll help you determine and purchase whatever else you need, if necessary.

Do you do virtual classes?

We do! Please check out our Remote Classes & Consultations page for more.

Do you sell coffee?

We don’t, but we know all the best folks in town who do, and we’d love to introduce you. Take one of our classes, and we’ll match you up with the best brands, blends, and single-origins for your tastes!

Do I need to be a barista?

Absolutely not. Our classes are more than appropriate for coffee professionals, especially if you’re just starting out or want to improve your home set-up, but we aim to elevate the skills of amateur coffee lovers to the professional level, first and foremost.

Do I need to live in NYC?

Nope—check out our Remote Classes & Consultations page for more!

Still have questions?

  • Get in Touch

    Any questions you have about us, our services, or anything that we can do to step your coffee game up, please send us a message!

  • Ask the Pros

    Our Help Line for all things brewing: Use it to ask for aid and/or advice on techniques, gear, bean storage, or anything else in the coffee world.